Selection of judicial authorities

It is essential to the strengthening of Latin American judicial institutions that the selection mechanisms for members of the judiciary be designed to select  only the most suitable candidates.

The performance of judicial systems in Latin America is deficient. An important reason for this is undue interference by the executive and legislative power in the processes for the selection of supreme court magistrates. This allows members of high courts to be selected based on personal and political proximity to the current government, instead of their suitability for the position.

This situation negatively affects the aptitude and independence of the members of the judiciary. It also has repercussions in the quality of judicial decisions and the internal administration of the judiciary. Members of the high courts might, for example, violate the autonomy of the inferior judges by interventions in decisions regarding the the appointment, promotion, and discipline of these officials.


DPLF advocates for the creation of selection processes characterized by transparency in every stage and a rigorous evaluation of the merits of the candidates through clear and precise regulations. 


Access our publications on the Selection of Judicial Authorities.